About Us
We are a Bayonne, NJ home based bakery, specializing in sourdough. We make all things sourdough, from boules (round loaves) to sandwich bread to pastries, all with the help of Tim and Esther.
Tim and Esther are our sourdough starters and they are busy making bread for you! Both Tim, a rye starter, and Esther, a stiff bread flour starter, are made up of naturally occurring yeasts that, with a little help from flour, water, salt, and time, make delicious bread.
Because of these naturally occurring yeasts, sourdough bread has a more complex flavor profile. Unfortunately, bread labeled sourdough in the supermarket usually has “sourdough flavor” added to it as making sourdough from scratch is a lengthy process!
All of our products, including our pastries, are plant-based, and our facility is 100% dairy and egg free!
The humans behind this business are Elissa, an English teacher and self-taught baker, and Gonzalo, a barista and professional bread eater. Together, we keep Tim and Esther well-fed and ready to make bread for you.